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Welcome / Velkommen
Our research focusses on basic molecular mechanisms and new treatment options for neurodegenerative diseases with special emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease. We investigate clearance mechanisms of toxic peptides via the blood-brain barrier, new imaging techniques, mitochondrial function, and neuroimmunological mechanisms. Our work also includes Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, ALS and other proteopathies of the brain. If you are interested to collaborate with us, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Johanniskraut und Griechischer Bergtee zur Demenzbehandlung
St. John’s wort and Greek Mountain tea for dementia treatment
Hier ein Link zu Rückmeldungen von Patienten und Angehörigen zu Behandlungen bei dementieller Symptomatik absierend auf unseren Experimenten mit Alzheimer-Mäusen. Publizierte wissenschaftliche Daten finden Sie unter Publikationen.
Here you find a link to replies of patients and relatives to treatment that we have developed for dementia based on our Alzheimer mice experiments. Published scientific articles you can find under publications.
Externe Info-Seite zu Griechischem Bergtee
External information about Greek mountain tea
Information for patients and their relatives
How patients can help us:
Currently, we are investigating new genetic markers for the determination of new treatment options using ABC transport-activating drugs. We are seeking for patients and their relatives (as control group) with neurodegenerative disorders, e.g. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, FTLD, Huntington’s and rare diseases. We are also looking for persons whos parents were affected by dementia. The procedure only includes a questionaire and a donation of blood. The blood can be taken by the local practitioner and then sent to us by mail. There is no need to come to our lab.
Many thanks for supporting dementia research.
Please contact us for questions:
Tel in Norway: +47 230 71466
Email: info@pahnkelab.eu